As we work through our new normal and prepare for the return to work, having a winning attitude, built on positivity, transparency, and planning will enable us to lay the foundation to drive future success.
Switch the narrative by uncovering hidden opportunities
At a time like this, it is easy to become a victim. With a victim mentality, we prevent ourselves and our company from not only growing but finding the hidden opportunities to prosper.
On a personal level, I decided to invest in my future by taking an online MicroMasters program offered via the University of Maryland. I am already learning new things that will help me be a better partner to my customers, a better resource internally, and ultimately giving me the confidence to know that I am preparing for whatever tomorrow may bring.
I have also heard countless stories of businesses putting their underutilized resources to use. By investing in technology that improves the employee experience and automates transactional tasks, these companies have seized the opportunity to come out of this with the systems that will drive their success.
By seizing the opportunity to invest in ourselves, and our business, today, we will lay the foundation to be the leaders of the pack tomorrow.
Open, honest, transparent communication is key
When disaster strikes, emotions and panic can run high. The best way to deal with this is to build trust across your network through open, honest, and transparent two-way communication. Transparency, although hard at times, comes with immense benefits. By being transparent with the good and the bad, you build trust, and that trust will help steady the ship and set you up for future success.
Honesty and transparency cost us nothing, and its impact on your personal and professional relationships is immense. One of the best predictors of our future success will be the strength of the relationships we nurture and build today.
Have a plan and be prepared to act on that plan
As we have recently experienced, the world can change at a moment’s notice, and the importance of planning and preparation is critical.
A well-designed plan will include members across the organization that work well together, accounting for regional and cultural differences, early warning detection, followed by threat level-appropriate responses, while also accounting for worst-case scenarios.
This plan will ensure your systems, infrastructure, and human capital operate smoothly, building a high level of trust with both your employees and customers, ultimately putting you in a position for a quick recovery.
As 2020 has shown, we never know what tomorrow may bring, the best way to build resiliency is through a plan that protects our hard-earned foundation.
Final Thoughts
We find ourselves in strange times, by having a winning attitude, built on positivity, transparency, and planning we will create the opportunity to come out stronger than we ever could have imagined.
Cory Kawa